Now also, being the "Queen of Craigslist" or uh.... Ms. Frugal Google (heehee) AND being a single retired lady living on a VERY "fixed" income... **VBG** I KNEW I had to find the least expensive (uh, CHEAP!) way to do this room.
So I haunted Craigslist, and WALLA! I found the two Arrow Airlift cabinets (I removed the doors; my choice) for one hundred dollars each (grinning again) and then theres the wonderful custom made (desk for 2-I called it) which was also one hundred dollars! The cutting table consists of 4 medium height bookcase units from Office Depot (costing $59.95 per unit) and it had cubicles...hmmm said I....wonderful! Now off to try to find the EXACT size baskets to use in those cubicles for storage ( you can see, they are full of yarns (I thought you'd notice so I am admitting to a stash that big). I found the first 2 baskets at my local discount Ross store and then haunted another dozen or so Ross stores for the rest. I found 1 here and 2 there and several stores had NONE (how DARE them....and me driving all over Houston just to patronize their store(S)!!!
Okay, after about a hundred miles and 4 days of looking, I managed to find all 16 to match (WHEW!) and thats the basket story.
I already had most all of the plastic bins you see, it was a matter of my daughter calls me the "Queen of Organization".... some have said that I can get more "stuff" in the smallest space...oh well, so much for them, they don't sew...or felt....or knit...or crochet....or else they're just not OCD!
In the midst of all this, I actually managed to SEW SOMETHING!! Can you BELIEVE IT?
The jacket on Matilda (my dress form, she's a person too you know) is a sweatshirt jacet I played with and finally finished (actually I decorated several sweatshirts but this was the only "jacket" one.
Hope all of you are having fun out there, let me know what you are up to....I have unfortunately been conned into games on Facebook and I can tell you that my crops grow WAY to fast on FarmVille, my apartment is not very well furnished on YoVille and Mafia Wars is killing me (pun intended)... if you play, join me there for some non sewing fun.
Hmm I got my comment in the wrong place but I am sure you don't care. You sound like a fun lady!
Nan in Vancouver
I could only wish to be this organized and all in one Room...Your sewing room rocks!!!
BEAUTIFUL sewing space. I KNOW most people would be jealous....including me! =-)
Thank you ladies; you flatter me indeed! This sewing space is every evolving but each change makes it a bit more "user friendly", at least for me!
stopping by for a visit in the purse group with you. love your creations!
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