Not to be outdone by a pesky Brown spider tho', I did manage to get in a tad of sewing. Seems like lately I've been into "re-purposing" as DD Tami calls it... you know, making things out of other things that were originally used for a different purpose. Make sense? Well it works! Really it does!!
Here are some pictures of my latest RE-PURPOSED pair of little girls pink jeans. I cut off the legs, opened the crotch seams and squared off the fabric. I observed that this would make a cute purse but NO WAY would it be big enough for ME so I dug into the humongoid fabric stash and came up with a bright plaid that was cute-sy and made lining, handles and the bottom half of the bag out of it. The little thing was kind of cute but it SCREAMED at me for some LOUD trim so I dove back into the stash (trim stash this time) and came up with the lime green fuzzy stuff. Anyway, it was fun to make.
I'm working on a sweatshirt jacket (yep, another RE-make) and it has been on
"GERTRUDE" the dress form for quite some time now but I decided to post a couple of pics of the "work in progress" anyhow. Not working on it right now as it is TOO HOT in HOUSTON to even think of sweatshirt/jacket stuff.... when it cools off here....about December (LOL) I'll get back to it. This jacket is made of drapery samples cut into odd shaped pieces and applied to the sweatshirt in no particular pattern but done with the Janome Xpression felting machine. Then I decided to free-motion quilt it so thats where I'm at with it... BUT, with hot weather, I've got another two or three purse ideas to tackle before then **VBG**
Here's the pics